この動画の23:50あたりから「投資で成功するためのカギ」(KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL INVESTING)と題されたパートがあります。
- あなたは投資の仕事に就くつもりではないと想定しています。
- 自分の仕事をする中で貯めるお金についてアドバイスします。
- 自分の妹や祖母が同じ立場だったらどうすべきかと考えてアドバイスします。
Ⅰ ビル・アックマン流 株式投資がうまくいく9つのポイント

24:50当たりから動画は始まり(“So how do you be a successful investor?”)、25:20辺りまでが導入部分です。
1 上場企業に投資せよ | Invest in public companies
- スタートアップ企業は将来の見通しが不透明。
- 投資で年間100%というようなリターンを上げる必要はない。10%や15%といった魅力的なリターンを長期間であげれば大きく資産を増やせる。
- 上場の企業のビジネスは確立されているから。
- 上場前の審査をくぐりぬけてきている。
- 上場株は流動性があり、売りたい時に売ることができる。
“I’d avoid investing in startup businesses”
2 その会社がどのように収益を上げているか理解せよ | Understand how the company makes money
3 合理的な価格で投資せよ | Invest at a reasonable price
4 永続しうる会社に投資せよ | Invest in a company that could last forever
(1) 探すべき投資先の会社は
- 理解できる事業
- 成功してきた過去の業績
- 魅力的な利益
- 長期にわたって成長できる
(2) 永続する事業の条件
- 必要とされる商品・サービスを提供している
- 他にないユニークな商品・サービス
- 顧客が喜んで対価を支払うブランドロイヤルティーを持っている
アックマンが挙げる具体例は、candy businessです。
candy businessは、日本で言えば贈り物に使うようなちょっといいお菓子ビジネスです。
5 負債の少ない会社を探せ | Find a company with limited debt
6 参入障壁の高いビジネスを探せ | Look for high barriers to entry
7 外因性要因に免疫のある会社へ投資せよ | Invest in a company immune to extrinisic factors
8 再投資コストの低い企業への投資 | Invest in a company with low reinvestment costs
9 支配株主がいる会社を避けよ | Avoid businesses with controlling shareholders
Ⅱ Keys to Successful Investingの英語transcript(英語を確認したい人向け)
Learn to Invest and Start a Business in Under an Hour – Big Think
0 Keys to Successful Investing 24:50
So how do you be a successful investor? Now I’m assuming that you’re not going to go into the business of investing. I’m assuming that you’re going to be a doctor or a lawyer. You’re going to pursue your passion, but you’re going to have some money that you’re going to save over time and I’m going to give you my advice on the topic. It’s not necessarily definitive advice, but it’s the advice I would give my sister, my grandmother on what she should do if she were in the same position. I think that’s probably the right way to think about it.
1 上場企業に投資せよ | Invest in public companies 25:20-
So number one, how do you avoid losing money? What are the good places to invest? My first piece of advice is despite the story about the lemonade stand I’d avoid investing in lemonade stands. I’d avoid investing in startup businesses where the prospects are not very well known because again you don’t need to make 100% a year to have a fortune. You just need to invest at an attractive return 10, 15 percent over a long period of time. Your money grows very significantly.
So how do you avoid the riskiest investments? My advice would be to invest in public securities, invest in listed companies, companies that trade on the stock market. Why, because those businesses tend to be more established. They have to meet certain hurdles before they go public. The stocks are liquid, so you can change your mind if you want to sell. If you invest in a private lemonade stand it’s hard to find someone to take you out of that investment unless that business becomes fabulously profitable. So that’s piece of advice number one, invest in public companies.
2 その会社がどのように収益を上げているか理解せよ | Understand how the company makes money 26:14-
Number two, you want to invest in businesses that you can understand. What I mean by that is there are lots of businesses that you come in that you deal with in the course of your day in your personal life, whether it’s a retail store that you know because you like shopping there or it’s a product, your iPad that you think is a great product, but you have to understand how the company makes money. If the business is just too complicated, you don’t understand how they make money, even if they’ve had a great track record I would avoid it and a lot of people thought Enron was an incredible business because it appeared to have a good track record, but very few people understood how they made money. It was good to avoid it.
3 合理的な価格で投資せよ | Invest at a reasonable price 26:52
Another very important criterion is you want to invest at a reasonable price. It could be a fabulous business that is done very well over a long period of time, but if you pay too much for it you’re not going to earn a very good return.
4 永続しうる会社に投資せよ | Invest in a company that could last forever 27:03
The last bit is that you want to invest in a business that you could theoretically own forever. If the stock market were to close for 10 years you wouldn’t be unhappy.
What do I mean by that? Again if you’re going to compound your money at a 10 or 15 percent return over a 43 year period of time you really want a business that you can own forever. You don’t want to constantly have to be shifting from one business to the next.
And what are businesses that you can own forever? Well there are very few that sort of meet that standard. Maybe a good example is Coca Cola. What is good about Coca Cola? It’s a relatively easy business to understand. You understand how Coke makes money. They sell a formula or syrup to bottlers and to retail establishments and they make a profit every time they serve a Coca Cola. People drank a lot of Coca Cola for a very long period of time. The world’s population is growing. They sell it in almost every country in the world and each year people drink a little bit more Coca Cola, so it’s a pretty easy business to understand and it’s also a business that I think is unlikely to be competed away as a result of technology or some other new product. It’s been around long enough. People have grown used to the taste. Parents give it to their children and you can expect it will be around a long period of time. I think that’s one good example.
Another good example might be MacDonald’s. You may not love MacDonald’s hamburgers. You may or you may not, but it’s a business that it has been around for 50 years. You understand how they make money. They open up these little—build these little boxes. They rent them to the franchisees. They charge them royalties in exchange for the name and they sell hamburgers and French fries and you know what? People have to eat. It’s relatively low cost food. The quality is pretty good and they continue to grow every year.
(28:36) So I think the consistent message here is try to find a business that you can understand that’s not particularly complicated that has a successful long term track record that makes an attractive profit and can grow over time.
(28:51) So what are the key things to look for in a business as I say that lasts forever? Well you want a business that sells a product or a service that people need and that is somewhat unique and they have a loyalty to this particular brand or product and that people are willing to pay a premium for that. Another good example might be a candy business. While people are going to buy generic versions of many kind of food products, flour, sugar, they don’t need to have the branded product. When it comes to candy people don’t tend to like the Walmart version or the Kmart version. They want the Hershey chocolate bar or the Cadbury chocolate bar or the See’s Candy. They want the brand and they’re willing to pay a premium for that and so that’s I think a key thing. You want the product to be unique. You don’t want it to be a commodity that everyone else can sell because when you sell a commodity anyone can sell it and they can sell it at a better price and it’s very hard to make a profit doing that.
5 負債の少ない会社を探せ | Find a company with limited debt 29:49
If you’re investing for the long term you want to invest in businesses that have very little debt. In our little example before we talked about our lemonade stand. There is $250 worth of debt. That didn’t put too much pressure on the lemonade stand company, but if it had been $1,000 and we hit a rough patch the business could have gone out of business for failure to pay its debts. The shareholders could have been wiped out. So if you can find a company that can earn attractive profits, that doesn’t have a lot of debt or they generate vastly more profits than they need to pay the interest on their debt that is a safe place to put your money over a long period of time.
6 参入障壁の高いビジネスを探せ | Look for high barriers to entry 30:18
You want businesses that have what people call barriers to entry. You want a business where it’s hard for someone tomorrow to set up a new company to compete with you and put you out of business.
I mean going back to the Coca Cola example. Coca Cola has such a strong market presence. People have come to expect when they go to a restaurant they can ask for a Coke and get a Coke. It’s very hard for someone else to break in. Of course there is Pepsi and there are other soda brands, but Pepsi has been around a long time and Coca Cola and Pepsi have continued to exist side by side over long periods of time. So when you’re thinking about choosing a company make sure that they sell a product or a service that is hard for someone else to make a better one that you’ll switch to tomorrow.
7 外因性要因に免疫のある会社へ投資せよ | Invest in a company immune to extrinisic factors 30:57
You also want businesses that are not particularly sensitive to outside factors, so-called extrinsic factors that you can’t control. So if a business will be affected dramatically if the price of a particular commodity goes up or if interest rates move up and down or if currency prices change. You want a company that is fairly immune to what is going on in the world and I’ll use my Coca Cola example. I mean if you think about Coca Cola it’s a product that has been around probably 120 years. Over that period of time there have been multiple world wars. Development of nuclear weapons, all kinds of unfortunate events and tragedies and so on and so forth, but each year the company pretty much makes a little bit more money than they made before and they’re going to be around and you can be confident based on the history that this is a business that is going to be around almost regardless of whether interest rates are at 14%, whether the US dollar is not worth very much or the price of gold is up or down. Those are the kind of companies you want to invest in, in the long term, businesses that are extremely immune to the events that are going on in the world.
8 再投資コストの低い企業への投資 | Invest in a company with low reinvestment costs 31:57
Another criteria, if you think back to our lemonade stand company, as we grew we had to buy more and more lemonade stands. Now those lemonade stands only cost $300 each, but imagine a business where every time you grew you had to build a new factory to produce more and more product and those factories were really expensive. Well that company might generate a lot of cash from the business, but in order to grow you’re going to have to just reinvest more and more cash into the business. The best businesses are the ones where they don’t require a lot of capital to be reinvested in the company. They generate lots of cash that you can use to pay dividends to your shareholders or you can invest in new high-return, attractive projects.
9 支配株主がいる会社を避けよ | Avoid businesses with controlling shareholders 32:33
I guess the last point I would make is that if you’re going to invest in public companies it’s probably safest to invest in businesses that are not controlled. A controlled company is kind of like our lemonade stand business that we took public. The problem with a controlled company unless the controlling shareholder is someone you completely trust, unless there is someone that has a great track record for taking care of so-called minority investors, the non-controlling shareholders it can be a risk of proposition to invest in that business because you’re at the whim of the controlling shareholder and even if the controlling shareholder today is someone that you feel comfortable with there is no assurance that in the future they might sell control to someone else who is not going to be as supportive of the shareholders of the business. So it’s not that you just—you can simply have a profitable business and a business that has done well. You have to make sure that the management and the people that control the business think about you as an owner and are going to protect your interests.
Ⅲ ビル・アックマンとは
ビル・アックマンの英語の本名は、William Ackman。元アメリカ大統領のビル・クリントンの名前も実はWilliam。英語ではウィリアムを短縮するとビルになる。
IV さらにもう少し勉強したい人向けにアックマンが勧める株式投資の本
これから投資を始める皆さんへ~運用部おすすめの一冊~ | ひふみラボ | レオス・キャピタルワークス株式会社 (rheos.jp)
③新 賢明なる投資家 (上) ──割安株の見つけ方とバリュー投資を成功させる方法《改訂版――現代に合わせた注解付き》